Fatal Drunk Driving Accident Attorneys
Drunk drivers cause thousands of deaths and even more serious injuries each year in the United States. In 2008, 11,733 people were killed as a result of alcohol-related collisions in the United States. In Pennsylvania alone, 578 people died in alcohol-related collisions in 2008. In most drunk driving cases, ironically, the intoxicated driver survives the accident while the innocent victims sustain serious or fatal injuries. If you have lost a loved one as a result of a drunk driver, you would be well advised to seek the counsel of our experienced wrongful death attorneys to find out more information about your legal rights and options.
Losing a loved one is an extremely devastating and painful experience. But losing a loved one because of the recklessness or negligence of a drunk driver can be particularly heartbreaking. Drunk driving accidents that result in fatalities end up in criminal court where the driver is prosecuted and punished for the offense. However, a drunk driver who causes the death of another through the act of driving under the influence, can also be held civilly liable for that person’s wrongful death.
Fatal drunk driving accident victims can include:
- The passengers in the drunk driver’s vehicle
- Driver of another vehicle who is struck and killed by the drunk driver’s vehicle
- Passengers in another vehicle who are fatally injured in the incident
- Pedestrians, motorcyclists or bicyclists who are struck by the drunk driver’s vehicle
A wrongful death lawsuit is filed by immediate family members of the victim. Such lawsuits usually seek compensation to cover funeral expenses, lost future earnings, loss of love and companionship, and other damages. Of course, money cannot replace a life. But very often, families lose their primary wage earner in a DUI crash. Such compensation would be invaluable for families who have lost a sole breadwinner. It is also another way to penalize a negligent driver.
In such cases, Pennsylvania Dram Shop laws also provide that restaurants, bars or other retail establishments that sell alcohol to an underage driver or a visibly intoxicated driver can also be held liable for injuries or fatalities caused by that drunk driver. Dram Shop laws in Pennsylvania are complicated. Liability may be challenging to prove without the skill and guidance of an experienced PA liquor liability lawyer, who will conduct a thorough and independent investigation and hold the wrongdoers accountable. Bars and restaurants have a responsibility to their community.
They are required to train employees or servers so they will be able to identify inebriated patrons and stop serving alcohol to them when they see those visible signs of intoxication. Some establishments look the other way and serve inebriated patrons any way to make some extra cash. This is unacceptable, especially when someone else’s life, your loved one’s life, is on the line. Please call Cherry Injury Law to find out more information about how to pursue your rights in a fatal DUI accident case.
Contact Us Today! WE CAN HELP YOU!
If you have been seriously injured in the state of Pennsylvania by the negligence of another and if you have questions or concerns about your legal rights, please don’t hesitate to call. Our Pennsylvania injury attorneys are available 24 hours a day to speak with you, and we welcome all calls at no charge. Contact us today at 610-565-0300.