Philadelphia Third Party Liability Attorneys
In any DUI accident in Pennsylvania, it is important to remember that the drunk driver may not be the only party liable for injuries caused to innocent victims. In most cases, the parties that provided the alcohol to the drunk driver or individuals who had the authority and responsibility to prevent the accident, but did not, may also share liability. In such cases, it is always in victims’ and their families’ best interests to have their Pennsylvania DUI accident case evaluated by and experienced PA liquor liability attorney.
Here are some of the third parties that may be held liable for a DUI accident under Pennsylvania’s dram shop laws:
- Retailers/establishments: These are places that sell alcohol for a profit such as bars, taverns, restaurants, sports arenas, clubs or other entertainment venues. Vendors who sell alcohol for profit and provide alcoholic beverages to visibly intoxicated patrons may be held liable for any resulting injuries to innocent victims. Such businesses and their owners can be held accountable under the state’s dram shop laws or based on negligence principles.
- Social Hosts: A “social host” is anyone who provides alcoholic beverages to guests, which means they do not sell alcohol for profit. This includes gatherings, parties, social events and work parties. If these social hosts provide alcohol to a visibly intoxicated person or a minor or underage driver, he or she can be looking at civil liability for any accidents or injuries that result. In some cases, employers who provide alcohol to employees during parties or other work-related events can also be held liable.
- Law enforcement: In some cases, police officers let intoxicated drivers drive away or allow an intoxicated passenger to drive home after arresting the drunk driver. If this results in an accident, the police officer and his employer could be held liable.
If you have been injured in a DUI accident and if you are filing a personal injury or wrongful death claim, it is important to name all potentially liable parties. Remember that although it may appear to you at the time of your accident that only the drunk driver was at-fault, several other third parties may have caused or contributed to the driver’s intoxication. An experienced personal injury lawyer who has successfully handled liquor liability cases can help you navigate through complex dram shop laws and help you determine who these negligent third parties are.
If you or a loved one has been injured in a drunk driving accident in Pennsylvania, please contact the experienced liquor liability lawyers with Cherry Injury Law for a free consultation and comprehensive evaluation of your claim. We will help identify the negligent parties, hold them accountable and secure the compensation and damages you rightfully deserve. Call us today to find out how we can help.
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If you have been seriously injured in the state of Pennsylvania by the negligence of another and if you have questions or concerns about your legal rights, please don’t hesitate to call. Our Pennsylvania injury attorneys are available 24 hours a day to speak with you, and we welcome all calls at no charge. Contact us today at 610-565-0300.