Eye Strain And Computer Vision Syndrome Are Common Workplace Injuries

Whether they know it or not many office workers across Pennsylvania suffer from eyestrain symptoms related to computer monitor use. While it may not be a recognized workplace injury issue by some employers, computer vision issues are ranked as the top health-related office complaint by OHSA. While the majority of us cannot walk away from […]

Oshas Slow Pace To Update Workplace Safety Rules May Put Workers In Danger

In recent years the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has been slower to update and create workplace safety regulations in comparison to years past. The safety of workers in many industries in Pennsylvania depends on the reformulation of safety regulations as new information comes to light. One such area is the regulation of jobs that […]

Painkillers And Workplace Injury Higher Costs And Hampering Of Recovery Time

According to a recent study, the early and frequent use of opioid painkillers to treat workplace injury has lead to higher costs for workplace insurers and longer recovery time among injured workers. Far too often, early or extended use of narcotic painkillers can lead to addiction problems, which further complicate a worker’s ability to recover […]